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Term Of Agreements


1. Warnings

The ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL , hereinafter referred to as ” ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL “, states that any user (hereinafter referred to as “User”) contacting ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL site (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) accepts the rules, terms and conditions given below (hereinafter referred to as “the Rules”) and those indicated in other pages of the Site. Should these conditions not be acceptable to you, you are requested to leave the Site immediately. Any User acceding the other pages of the Site declares his or her acceptance of the Rules as a whole by so doing. ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL is free to modify the Rules or the content or format of the Site at any time and in any way or discontinue the operation of this Site, in its sole discretion, without being accountable to anyone and without advance notice.

2. Purpose of the Site The sole purpose of the Site is to illustrate, disseminate, advertise and inform people about ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL products and services in the area of diesel engines and driveline products for marine business (hereinafter referred to as “Information”). Unless specifically stated, none of the Information contained in the Site can be considered a promise to the public or binding in any way for any negotiation or commercial relationship. Any Information contained in the Site is to be considered purely indicative and does not in any way commit ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL , nor the managers of the Site, nor any other third parties referred to on the Site via links.

3. Use of trademarks, pictures, photographs, drawings, sounds, film, software Unless specifically stated otherwise, any trademark, logo, picture, drawing, sound, music, film, software or anything else present in the Site (hereinafter referred to as “Items”) are covered by relevant rights that protect their ownership such as, by way of example and not exhaustively, trademark rights, patent rights, copyright, etc.. Said rights are all lawfully held by ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL or licensed to ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL by the lawful owners. Any use of the Items (copying, including partial copying, hardcopy, etc.) other than strictly personal use is therefore forbidden. By strictly personal use we refer to the filing on a personal computer or printing of the Items to be conserved as documentation for personal use. The following are therefore to be considered not strictly personal use – and as such unlawful – the distribution and transmission of the Items to third parties (this includes making them available to other sites), their modification, republication, and reutilization by insertion in other documents or files, and any other form of re-elaboration. ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL is in no way responsible for, nor can it be called upon to answer for violations of any rights that the owners of Items granted in concession to ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL can charge against users of the Site, who have violated said rights in some way. The responsibility for said violation is and remains that of the user of the Site who commits them.

3.1 Damage arising from connection to the Site ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL is in no way responsible for any damage arising from access to the Site and the use or downloading of the Items present, whether said damage is the result of defects, errors or anything else, or the result of the inability to use the material in the Site.

3.2 Links ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL is not responsible for the content of sites connected by links to the ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL Site, nor for the content of non- ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL sites to which the ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL Site refers you via links.

4. Truthfulness, obligations and exhaustiveness of information, offers and services illustrated in the Site – Territorial coverage of information – Exclusion of responsibility
Because the Information is purely indicative, any guarantee of its correctness or comprehensiveness must be ruled out. It is also ruled out that any Information contained in the Site may in any way and for any reason bind ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL , or the other entities indicated or referred to by the Site, via links. In particular, it must be ruled out that the Information contained in the Site is valid in all countries where it is possible to access the Site. Any user requiring precise, detailed information, must contact the ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL . It is also possible that the Information contained in the Site may arbitrarily be modified by ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL at any moment and for any reason, without what is stated, either before or after the changes, binding ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL in any way.

5. Protection of Privacy ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL applies the protection of privacy both in its proper attitude and culture and in compliance with law. This protection regards everyone who is in contact with ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL , whether as employee, supplier, customer, potential customer or mere visitor to its Site.

5.1 Release of personal data If a visitor to the Site intends to voluntarily release the data defined as personal under The Dutch Law this can only be done by complying with the above mentioned legal rules and procedures and ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL undertakes in dealing with personal data to ensure the required privacy, by diligently complying with the legal requirements. Namely ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL shall adopt and shall cause its employees and providers of services to adopt any security as provided under title of the above mentioned regulation in safeguarding personal data. Every visitor to the Site is free to decide to release or not release his personal data. No personal data will be registered in the ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL Site unless the visitor is clearly and specifically informed of the possibility of registering his personal data. To avoid errors and misunderstandings, no personal data may be registered without further and final confirmation by the visitor.

6. E-mail, mailing lists If for any reason the User wish to send e-mail messages to the Site, or the Site itself invites the User to enter a mailing list to receive information of his/her interest on his/her computer, we repeat that if one of these possibilities should require the registration of your personal data, this will always be done in compliance with the above mentioned privacy law regulations. As a result, any registration will only take place after your explicit, repeated authorization.

7. Use of Interactive Media To the extent that this site contains or may contain electronic mail links, bulletin boards, discussion forums, chat rooms, or other message or communication facilities involving ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL and/or other users, the User agrees to use such forums in their intended manner. Under no circumstances shall the user violate any law by using such forums for purposes including but not limited to defaming or harassing others, violating intellectual property rights of ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL or a third party, posting or sending obscene or offensive material, and introducing viruses, corrupted files or other programs which could damage or alter this Web Site or the computers of ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL or a third party. ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL reserves the right to remove any contents of this Web site for any reason whatsoever. The User acknowledges that any material posted by parties other than ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL or its affiliates are not endorsed by ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL , and such communications shall not be considered reviewed or approved by ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL .

8. Assumption of Risk By using the Site pages for any purpose, the User assumes all risks associated with the use of this site and its individual pages. This risk includes but is not limited to any risk to the User’s computer, software or data being damaged by any virus, software, or other file which might be transmitted or activated via a web Site page or the User’s access to it. ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL shall in no circumstance be liable for any damages, as per clause 3.1 above, arising out of or in any way connected to the use or misuse of this web Site, or from any information, lack of information, documents, software, services, or other material obtained through any Site pages.

9. Forbidden uses The User agrees not to: 1) knowingly and without authorization, alter, damage, or destroy ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL ‘s or another user’s computer system, network, software, Web site, program, documentation or data contained therein; 2) use this Site to conduct or attempt to conduct any business or activity or solicit the performance of any activity that is prohibited by law. Any action by the User that results in the blocking of access to this Web Site by other users or ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL will be deemed an unauthorized use. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL THE USER ACCESS OR ATTEMPT TO ACCESS ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL’S COMPUTER SYSTEM, COMPUTER NETWORK, OR ANY PART THEREOF FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXECUTING ANY OPERATION TO DEFRAUD OTHERS, COMMIT THEFT, OR VIOLATE ANY LAW PROVISION. ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL reserves the right to terminate at its own discretion the User’s use of this Web site or forbid the User from accessing this Web site in the future in the event of any abuse of the Web Site or any unauthorized or forbidden use by the User.

10. Indemnification The User agrees to indemnify ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL , its officers, agents, employees, and other personnel under its control against any and all liability, expenses, attorney fees, and damages arising out of or relating to the use of this Web Site in any way, including any claims alleging facts that if true would constitute a breach of the Rules by the User.

11. No contractual relationship The User acknowledges that, by the use of this Site, no relationship of any kind, including but not limited to partnerships, joint ventures, employment, contractual, or agency relationship, exists between the User and ALFA MARINE SPARE PARTS NL or any of its affiliates or employees.

12. Survival If any Rule is determined to be invalid As indicated in the warnings, access to the Site entails full acceptance of the rules given in the Site itself. This being accepted, the User accepts that The Dutch Law will apply with regard to any problem arising from access to the Site, or regarding the Information or Items disclosed in the Site. Likewise, the user accepts that the city of THE HAGUE Court is the sole and exclusive court having jurisdiction on the above cases.